
A Planet Free Of Wars. For Peace, Justice and Poetry

A Planet Free Of Wars. For Peace, Justice and Poetry

By World Poetry Movement
Coordination Committee

Hundreds of millions of people have died over 60 centuries of civilization due to the brutal hand of war. Human history knows only nine centuries of serenity.

8,000 peace treaties were signed in the last 35 centuries. Regarding this, Dylan Thomas wrote: “The hand that signed the paper felled a city;/ Five sovereign fingers taxed the breath,/ Doubled the globe of dead”.

The harvest of the Second World War, in which 110 million soldiers from 72 countries fought, was 60 million dead and 35 million wounded. Nine out of ten dead were soldiers. Today, nine out of ten dead are civilians.

The United States invaded tens of countries in four continents. Living today with 30 wars and extreme regional political tensions, we can barely hope for a world of peace.

It suffices to listen to presidents who speak like bullies. The West’s centuries-old warmonger spirit amasses weapons and hatreds.

The World Poetry Movement –WPM- ( is a historic conjuction of organizations, that over the last three years has carried out six global actions for peace and in defense of Life on Earth.

We invite the international poetry festivals, the poetry organizations, the poets gathered around poetry publications, workshops and schools; musicians, artists, actors, filmmakers, dancers and painters, and the organizations and poets that are members of the World Poetry Movement, to celebrate, from July 1st to July 30th, 2014, thousands of mass poetry readings and interventions, in open and closed public spaces, to create a path of unity for the world’s spiritual energy.

It is possible to replace this worn out human history, directionless and aimless, with higher, more just forms of existence, defusing wars and political conflicts through dialogue and agreement, in order to build a worldwide poetry revolution and create a peace which is more active than all wars and salute, for the first time on Earth, the birth of ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF PEACE.

Published at May 5th, 2014

Última actualización: 28/06/2018