
Received Messages Confirming 247 poetry readings September the 24th 2011 (WPM)

Received Messages Confirming 283 poetry
readings for September the 24th , 2011 (WPM)

Hola amigos poetas

Soy Anandi -Elba Fernandez , poeta nacida en Buenos Aires , Argentina y vivo en el Sur de India , en Auroville -La Ciudad de la Aurora - un proyecto de Ciudad Universal con más de 2000 personaas de 46 países diferentes.

Ayer charlábamos con Meenakshi una poeta local muy premiada sobre la posibilidad de organizar un evento de Poesía Mundial aquí para el año próximo. Estoy pensando que esto del 24 podría ser ya un buen comienzo para los poetas de Auroville, que los hay de diferentes países y para el año próximo bueno los invitaríamos a nuestro Primer Encuentro de Poetas.

Espero noticias de Uds. Desean les envié poemas, tengo en español, inglés y francés.

Un cariño enorme desde esta poética intención de Unidad Humana que es Auroville.
Si tienen información en inglés, les agradecería me la mandaran para publicitar el World Poetry Movement .

¡Cualquier contacto con poetas de India o Festivales de Poesía, muy bienvenidos!



A los miembros del comité,

El grupo ALEGRIA (actividades de lectura y escritura grupales para la revelación e integridad de los afectos) tendrá una jornada el jueves 15 de septiembre.

El 24 de septiembre yo no estaré en Buenos Aires. Propongo anticiparnos a esta adhesión.

Estamos armando la programación. En breve , la enviaremos.

Un saludo cordial.

Cristina Pizarro


Thanks for your message. I received the news about global poetic action. It is necessary to make actions for peace in the world. We really need peace in african countries and around the World.

I sent the appeal to the online journal Africultures, I hope it will be published soon on their website.

May I publish it on my own website?

On September 24, I will be in Aachen in Germany for a symposium on African literature. I will ask the colleagues to include a short poetry reading in the agenda.

Best Greetings

Tanella Boni


Con gusto me uno a la iniciativa del 24 de septiembre. Seguramente la poesía, como todas las artes, tendrá cada vez más incidencia en la paz y la fraternidad mundial. Difundiré este comunicado.



Queridos amigos WPM,

Desde hoy mismo me pondré a la tarea de organizar una lectura de poesía en
Tuxtla Gutiérrez para el 24 de septiembre y la distribución impresa de las
dos declaraciones. Les informaré de la programación.


Saludos cordiales, escribimos desde Bolivia para adherirnos a su movimiento. Días de Poesía, es el primer festival internacional que se realiza en Bolivia, desde el año 2008. La próxima versión de nuestro evento será en septiembre del 20 al 23. Los invitamos a conocer mas de nuestro evento en nuestras páginas web.

Daniel Calderón y Samanta Bryce
Directores del festival


Desde La Plata, Argentina, cuenten con todo el respaldo para acompañarlos.

Con actividades por la poesía y la paz el 24 de septiembre, un gran cariños Sandra Cornejo.


Propongo que nos encontremos el sábado 24 a las 12 horas en la plaza de la Biblioteca Nacional, para donar libros de poesía que no estén en el catálogo (el catálogo de la BN se puede consultar por Internet) Se pueden organizar otras actividades...

Saludos a todos María Julia De Ruschi


Gracias. Estoy pendiente de la difusión de la convocatoria 100.000 POETAS PARA EL CAMBIO.

En este momento me encuentro en Montreal. Me encantaría saber el correo de quien resida aqui, y pertenezca a nuestro movimiento.

Un abrazo.

Adela G



Reciban un cordial y fraternal saludo desde Zamora, Michoacán, México
con gusto programaré algunas actividades poéticas ese día y se leerá el manifiesto


Encuentro Internacional de Poetas de Zamora
Roberto Reséndiz Carmona


Estimados colegas, escribo desde Buenos Aires para informar que en el portal de poesía publiqué la declaración del Movimiento Poético Mundial, que estoy a disposición para publicar toda actividad del movimiento y a sumarme a las actividades del 24 de septiembre.

Cordialmente, Hugo Muleiro


Dear Poet Friends,

A very good initiative you have on the readings this September.

My Uzbek poet friends and I, as well as the Creative writing and translation Club would love to join this noble action!

May peace and brotherhood rule in the world!

With all the good wishes,

Azam Abidov

Poet, translator


Hi Gloria

-It will also through Africa via the Arterial Network newsletter at end of August.
- Poetry Africa will be holding an event on 24 Sep as part of the 100,000 Poets for Change project and WPM promotion

best wishes



It's an honor and joy to be part of this great movement. I certainly support it and will be reading on September 24 in my town in Michigan. I will send you the event details soon.

In poetry we believe.. Best regards

Dunya Mikhail

Thank you for your call to me to join you and read poetry on sept 24. In support of your great cause, I will read in New York on sept 24th and will send you the details soon

Best regards
Dunya Mikhail

Dear organisers,

we have decided to join the action 100.000 poets for Change with a big reading in Ljubljana (Sloeven capital), with particpation of cca 10 most important Slovene poets, reading their poetry in prose. If you need more detailed inormation about venue and participants, we will be able to give it at the beginnning of September.

Best regards

Jelka Ciglenečki
Dnevi poezije in vina
Days of poetry and wine


Dear Fernando:

I can organize a poetry reading in my University on the 24th and send you a report. I can also ask my students to join.



Desde Venado Tuerto, Argentina.

Excelente propuesta!!!Adhiero y ya comienzo con la difusión y gestiones varias para organizar actividades/lecturas el próximo 24 de setiembre de 2011 en mi ciudad.

Un fuerte abrazo!!!!!

Mónica Muñoz


Dear Fernando and Fellow Poets Worldwide,

I am happy to join the World Poetry Movement which wraps poetry around the GLOBE in the name of PEACE. Count me in. I will spread the word about September 24 as best I can.

Daniel Kunene (South Africa, currently living in the USA)


Hi there!

I am an old friend of Jack Hirschman, since 1977.

I will be participating in the Sept. 24 even 100,000 poets for Change
either in San Jose, California, or in New Bedford, Massachusetts.


John Landry


Sí puedo hacerlo queridos amigos de WPM. Vamos a leer poemas el 24 de septiembre.
Y nos sumamos en Cali Colombia, a la jornada mundial por la poesía.

Nuestro abrazo cálido desde Cali.


Amigos queridos. Tabasco. México en representación del Encuentro Iberoamericano de Poesía Carlos Pellicer Cámara, está diseñando la participación del 24 de Septiembre, para el Movimiento Poético Mundial. Enviare a la brevedad el programa a desarrollar. Saludos a todos. Norma Cárdenas. Directora.


Estimados amigos:

Confirmamos nuestra participación en el Movimiento Poético Mundial . El 24 de Septiembre será el cierre de nuestro Festival en la Plaza Mariano Moreno de Remedios de Escalada, Buenos Aires, Argentina donde expresaremos y daremos a conocer la Declaración del Movimiento Adjunto el Programa tentativo del Festival .

Ricardo Luis Plaul


Estimados Amigos, agradecemos sus correos.

Nuestro grupo está capacitado para realizar los eventos que nos solicitan
Indicarles que nuestra tertulia mensual "El Cinco a las Cinco" que celebramos todos los últimos jueves de cada mes, el próximo jueves día 25 cerramos la octava temporada, lo que ha supuesto que han pasado por la tertulia más de ciento vente poetas de toda España y Latinoamérica, ya que coordinamos un circuito de doce Países Latinoamericanos con los que realizamos actividades Culturales de ida y vuelta, coordinadas por sus Embajadas, al igual que músicos
Si necesitaríamos la máxima información sobre sus pretensiones y condiciones
Pueden ver nuestras actividades más destacadas en nuestra página de Internet en sus apartados de tertulias y actividades


Manuel Casillas Jimenez
Presidente del Colectivo Cultural Giner de los Rios

Dear WPM,

We are writing to confirm to you that poetry readings will be organized and will take place in the city of Kisii, Kenya. We are trying to get a second city that is Nairobi. We shall confirm to you about the second city in a week's time.

But meanwhile be assured that poetry activities will take place in Kisii. Second venue will be confirmed later.

Christopher Okemwa, Poet & Director, International Poetry Festival, Kenya.



nosotros tenemos un acto organizado bastante grande con la micropoetisa AJO y con los estandartes de la polipoesía en españa ACCIDENTS POLIPOÈTICS pero es para 5 días antes, el 19 de septiembre.

Estamos además en plena ejecución del poético festival 2011 poetas por km2 del 2 al 4 de septiembre en Sao Paulo... La verdad que no creo nos dé tiempo a organizar otro evento para el 24, si pudierais incluir en vuestra agenda el acto del 19 sería la hostia

muchas gracias y mucha suerte



Si, lo que sucede es que ya nuestros embajadores en distintos países se sumaron a la causa en nombre nuestro y se encargará de organizar los recitales: En Colombia Eliana Florez (Bogotá), Alfredo González (Barranquilla), Ivonne Sánchez (Granada, España) y Mónica Gameros (México). entre otros, la mayor parte de nuestros miembros están en otros países.

Aquí en dominicana, yo me uno a la causa de ustedes a través del evento de Poetas de la Era con Elsa Baez y los poetas de Noche Lunática el mismo día.

Será un gusto colaborar con la causa

Un abrazo!!


Que así sea 24 de septiembre, poesía en el mundo por la humanidad

Aarón Rueda


Queridos amigos, qué buena iniciativa. En principio, cuenten con nosotros en Lima (Perú). Agradeceríamos, sin embargo, más información al respecto.

Gran abrazo,

Renato Sandoval


Dear friends!

Thank you for your kind invitation and the greatest idea about this worldwide poetry reading. We in Belarus are joining your movement. We will arrange a poetry reading at the date you mentioned.

Best regards,

Andrei Khadanovich, a poet, president of the Belarusian PEN


Queridos Amigos: Como director del encuentro internacional "Semana de las letras y la lectura" y poeta coordinador de poesía en el Teatro "El Circulo" de Rosario, Argentina participaré con convicción e interés en una lectura masiva de poetas en nuestro teatro, en la tarde -noche del sábado 24 de setiembre.

Pido con fines publicitarios y de promoción un afiche igual al de todas las reuniones para darlo a conocer en los medios .Gracias y espero hoy mismo de ser posible este material para sacarlo en la revista mensual del teatro. SALUDOS FRATERNALES

Héctor Berenguer


Queridos amigos de World Poetry Movement:

Por el momento podéis contabilizar ya, como eventos poéticos de unidad y convergencia mundial organizados para el día 24 de Septiembre por Poetas de la Tierra y Amigos de la Poesía (POETAP)
A) MADRID, ARTE TOTAL y POETAP, Organiza, ANTONIO RUIZ PASCUAL Presidente de Arte Total y responsable de POETAP por Madrid
B) MOGUER, La taberna del libro. Casa-Museo Zenobia y Juan Ramón Jiménez y POETAP, Organiza, Antonio Ramírez Almanza Dr. Gerente de la Casa Museo Zenobia y Juan Ramón Jiménez y responsable de relaciones institucionales de POETAP con Asociación de Casas Museo y Fundaciones de Escritores de España
C) CÓRDOBA, POETAP y la CASA de SEFARAD Organiza, Sebastián de la Obra Dr. de la Casa de Sefarad:
D) FUNES (Argentina) CAFÉ LITERARIO LUZ Y LUNA POESIA ... y Libreria La Cultura en Funes, Santa Fe, Argentina organiza William Baccino, POETAP en Argentina

Y se seguirán sumando otros de España y Latinoamérica a los que aún no he podido escribir personalmente y ante la premura y mi imposibilidad material de hacerlo uno a uno como quisiera les envió copia en CC para ganar tiempo y que estén informados y luego veré si puedo llegar a hacerles un correo personal.
Olivier Herrera


Yes, we will be participating. We are organizing an event for the 24 of September.
We will send the flyer and the info about the event the soon as possible.


Maria Elena Mesa Mejia

Sunday Poetry.

Si, Vamos a participar. Estamos organizando un evento para el 24. Los detalles y el volante se los enviaremos lo más pronto posible.


Maria Elena Mesa Mejia
Sunday Poetry


Queridos---This is to inform you that the Revolutionary Poets Brigade in San Francisco has joined the WPM, and is organizing a September 24 event at Art Internationale, its Brigade Center.

I'll have the Chinese information for you in a couple of days.

Siempre---Jack Hirschmann

Brava for the statement! Please add my name as Director of the Mendocino Northern California Poets Reading Series.

All best in solidarity for poetry.

Devreaux Baker


Sí, claro que puedo organizar esa lectura para el 24 de septiembre. lo haré en La Paz, Bolivia y trataré de organizarla también en alguna (s) otra(s) ciudades(s).

un abrazo

benjamín chavez


El grupo Floricanto participa

Iliana Godoy Iliana Godoy, Presidenta de Grupo Cultural Floricanto A.C. organizador del Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Poesía Independiente en la Ciudad de México


Saludos a todos, cuenten con nosotros para esta lectura,
quedo a la espera de más información.


Marvin Garcia
FIP Quetzaltenango


Dear Fernando,

thanks for your mail.

I will try to be online, but we have an Independence day celebration, so I will see whether I'll be able to access Internet at that time.

Please, correct my name in the list of readings on the 24th of September. I was planning to organise a reading in Chernivtsi, not in Kiev, but that is also possible. I will let you know later which of two cities it will be.

All the best,



Dear Friends WPN,

Pakistani poet will get together on Sep 24 to celebrate world poetry movement, please note my changed E-mail, Love you all

Kishwar Naheed, from Pakistan



De todas formas organizaremos y nos sumamos a todo este gran encuentro planetario. Les cuento que lo uniremos con el otro proyecto, cien mil poeta por el cambio, aquí les envío el flyer, lo haremos en tres ciudades de chile, norte sur y centro.

Saludos y cuenten con nosotros.

El noviembre, además haremos un descentralización en todo chile. y el próx año en latinoamérica. Sería muy bueno que sigamos uniendo ideas, fuerzas, poesía.

Adjunto el flyer que hicimos para ese evento y que ahora modificaremos con la fusión.


we will organize a poetry reading in Istanbul turkey on september 24th.

metincelal, adnan ozer
International Istanbul Poetry Festival


Estimados amigos, compañeros en el camino de la poesía y la vida: nos sumamos con ilusión al proyecto.

En breve os enviaremos detalle del acto/actos a realizar.

Un fuerte abrazo

Pedro Enríquez
Poesía en el Laurel
La Zubia, Granada, España


I confirm my participation to the poetic action on September 24th with Israeli poets
writing in French.

With all the best,

Colette Leinman

Dear friends WPM,

In response to the World Poetry Movement’s call to action we are to arrange the following in support of this initiative:

Barefoot Poets (Durban South Africa) – members will write a poem on a related topic and meet on 24 September2011 for a special reading and celebration.


Dear friends of WPM
YES!!! I will participate in September 24th with a poetry event "100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE" in Larissa, Greece.

Dear friends

I want to be a member of WPM.

Best regards

Dimitris P. Kraniotis

President and Founder of World Poets Society (W.P.S.)
President of 22nd World Congress of Poets (Greece 2011)

Estimados Poetas del Mundo.

Para esa fecha estaré en México pero con mucho gusto organizaré una lectura en la ciudad de Oaxaca.

Les saluda cordialmente

Álvaro Ruiz


Estimados compañeros

Me comprometo a realizar el evento.
La instancia coordinadora será: la universidad andina Simón Bolívar, sede Ecuador.

Coordinador del recital: Ariruma Kowii.

Comprometeremos algunos poetas del país para que participen en este evento.

Si existe algún logotipo, alguna referencia en especial, favor enviarla.

Saludos cordiales,

Ariruma Kowii


Si, se puede. Realizaremos la convocatoria formal este fin de semana del 26 al 28 de agosto en nuestra gran fiesta con la poesía. Tendremos participantes de casi toda la geografía nacional a los que se han sumado amigas y amigos de Puerto Rico y España.

En Santo Domingo, la capital, se está organizando un evento por este llamado. Les mantendremos informados de los demás eventos que vayan surgiendo.

Cuenten con nuestro apoyo. Desde hace varios días iniciamos la difusión del manifiesto y continuaremos haciéndolo.

Taty Hernández


Queridos amigos, siempre presentes.

Claro que sí, me adhiero y organizaré una lectura de poemas.

Les informaré de su realización y lugar en el momento oportuno.

Angela García, desde Malmö (Suecia)


Dear friends and comrades of World Poetry Movement,

I am glad this movement is formed, long way due. My name is Dino Siotis and I am a poet, editor of the magazine Poetix and the director of the Tinos International Literary Festival, held annually in the island of Tinos, Greece. You can take a look at www.tinoslitfestival

I am writing to tell you that we are willing to join forces with you along with the Cyrcle of Poets, a new club of Greek Poets. Looking at the members of the committee I see Jack Hirschman, an old friend of mine from the San Francisco days in the '70s and '80s and Amir Or, a poet from Israel who was in Tinos this summer.

We want to participate in the Sept, 24 project with readings in Athens. And I would very much like to me in the Steering Committee representing Greece.

Keep the Poetry Flag Up High!


Dino Siotis


I should be in Paris at this moment. But my association could organize actions in Yaounde. From Paris I could act througt radio, internet or other means. Great regards

Jean-Claude Awono
Professeur de lettres
Président de la Ronde des Poètes


Dear Friends,

My answer will be "YES".

Min Htin, poet, Myanmar.


Jack Hirschman asked me to contact you regarding the Sept 24th event in Beijing. My friend Xiao Xiao and I are planning to organize an event. She's out of town until next week, so we won't get together to discuss any details until then.

I just wanted to send you my my contact info.

Yours in poetry,
Jami Proctor-Xu (China)


Dear WPM:

We will be holding a meeting on the first week of September for the World Poetry Movement simultaneous readings. When we finalize the program, the Director of the BNSCWC, Dr. Shirley Lua, will write you & send it to you. We will document the event (videotape) of course. And we'd be happy to share it with you for your files.

I am sure they can organize poetry readings on Sept 24 in Mindanao, the Visayas and Luzon. Gracias otra vez, Poeta estimado. Y abrazos fuertes desde Manila.



I will be pleased to organize a Poetry Reading session in Montserrat as requested. I will seek to involve the University. I will also disseminate the statement.

Howard Fergus


Chers amis du World poetry movement,

Je confirme ma participation. En effet, je suis pourtout geste poétique qui ancre la poésie-humanité dans la vie des peuples. Je suis en voyage pour le moment, mais je rentre prochainement au Maroc. Envoyez-moi, s'il vous plaît, plus de détails sur votre programme.


Jalal El Hakmaoui


Dear friends,
we organize in the days 23, 24 and 25 the 10th editions of International Poetry Festival in Sarajevo.

The day of 24 will be dedicated to international common project.
All the best

Sergio Iagulli


He World Poetry Movement (WPM) is calling to develop a poetic global action on September 24th. We fraternally request for your participation in WPM. Could you and your friends poets, to program a poetry reading in your country on September 24th ?


Orsolya Kalasz (Hungary)


Hola Amigos, a nosotros, Friends of the Poetree, nos gustaría ser participe the esta iniciativa, por favor incluyan nuestro grupo en su lista, si es posible. Muchas Gracias AmaLuna de Friends of the Poetree Toronto, Canada

La poesía es como el pan, de todos


Dear Poets in The World Poetry Movement (WPM)

Many greetings...

Of course my answer is yes.

Hussein Habasch (Syria)


Dear Friends at World Poetry Movement,

We are pleased to confirm our participation in WPM and we will hold a poetry reading on September 24, 2011. I will soon send the name of the location of our event for your information.

Karla Coreas
Festival de Nueva Poesía "Poetas en Nueva York"


I'm very happy to be involved in this movement. My answer is YES.

On september 24 th, me and the members of my organization (Le Conscience Poétique) will read the statements and poems during a mediatic occasion.

We are involved in the same Dream !

Josué Guébo


Je suis très ravie de recevoir votre mail au sujet du Mouvement mondial de la poésie.

En tant que membre de ce mouvement, l'association des femmes poètes et écrivains de Guinée comptent mettre en oeuvre des activités que nous vous communiqueront en détail dans ces jours a venir. Merci encore de nous avoir permis de participer a ce mouvement important

K. Zeinab Diallo
Présidente de l'Association des femmes poetes et ecrivains de Guinée



Unfortunately, I am in Finland so I cannot make any arrangement for poetry reading on September 24th in Nepal. But, I have asked fellow poets there to make an event to mark world poetry movement. I will confirm you if they agree to make a poetry reading.

Best Regards,
Janak Sapkota


26 August 2011

I wish to join and submit poetry that may serve towards humanitarian issues a
New Earth, and World Peace.

Kindly advice further.

Gillian van der Heijden


What a great idea! The answer is of course, yes.

Miglena Nikolchina (Bulgaria)


Dear Friends,

We would be honoured to host a small event in Auckland, New Zealand as part of the poetic global action on September 24th.

Can you please send us some more information about this, including press release material and the like. Also, please list our Poetry Education Trust as a supporting organization.

Un abrazo,

Ron Riddell


Dear poets

I am so happy to become a member of world poetry movement.

The best wishes

Nguyen Quang Thieu
Poet and Vice Chairman of the Writers Association of Vietnam


Queridos amigos del Comité Coordinador del Movimiento Poético Mundial:
En primer lugar, pido disculpas por el retraso en contestar vuestra gentil invitación, pero estoy recuperándome de una hernia discal en la zona lumbar y paso muy poco tiempo frente a la computadora.

Con muchísimo placer confirmamos nuestro SÍ a la organización en nuestra ciudad de una lectura de poemas para el próximo 24 de septiembre.

Tanto Annabel Villar como yo, estaremos en esa fecha en Uruguay, y participaremos en alguna lectura que, seguro, organizarán Roberto Bianchi y Nina Reis, directores de aBrace Cultura en Montevideo.

Pero dejaremos todas las instrucciones a los compañeros del Liceo Poético de Benidorm, para que se organice ese día una gran lectura poética. Por lo tanto podéis incluir al Liceo Poético de Benidorm, como organizador ese día de una lectura poética en Benidorm (España). Ya os informaremos de los detalles más adelante.

Al mismo tiempo, aprovecho esta ocasión para solicitaros que incluyáis a Julio Pavanetti y Annabel Villar, como poetas y directores de la asociación cultural "Liceo Poético de Benidorm", España, en el apartado de festivales y organizaciones que participan en el Movimiento Poético Mundial, porque hemos visto que figuramos como poetas, pero no como Directores del Liceo Poético de Benidorm, del cual yo soy el Presidente y Annabel la tesorera y preferimos que el nombre del Liceo Poético de Benidorm, figure incluido en el listado de asociaciones participantes. El Liceo Poético de Benidorm lleva más de 8 años organizando Recitales, Encuentros de Poetas y participando también en Festivales internacionales.

Muy agradecidos desde ya por vuestra atención, os deseamos todo el éxito del mundo en esta convocatoria y en todos los proyectos futuros para los cuales podéis contar siempre con nosotros si lo estimáis oportuno.

Sin otro particular recibid nuestra gratitud y nuestro apoyo junto a un saludo afectuoso.



Dear Fernando,

for the September 24 project of the World Poetry Movement, three cities from Greece will take part with poetry readings: Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras,

best ever,

Dino Siotis
Poets Circle and
Tinos International Literary Festival


Subject: Re: Invitation to participate in a poetic global action September 24th

Dear Friends,

YES, we are going to program a poetry reading in Togo on September
24th. I had sent your appeal to some Togolese poets known as a group
in charge of reflection and action for the enhancement of poetry
(GRAPP / Togo). We will meet very soon to see how we can organise that
poetic action according to the recommendations of WPM.

The group would like to register as member of WPM. This is the word
from the President of the Group :Kudavi Nomanyo, poet and President
of GRAPP (Groupe de Réflexion et d'Action pour la Promotion de la

Best wishes,
Kouméalo Anaté


Good afternoon,

September 24 I will be at Córsega in the Festival “Linguimundi”. But I will dedicate my reading to World Poetry Movement and I we’ll say what happens the 24th at the world Poetic Movement.
It’s my way of participation in that day.

Thank’s very much for living in a Poetic Way.

A big hug for all the beautiful things we believe,

Rosa Alice Branco

Querido Amigo,

Vou tentar tudo para fazer uma sessão no dia 23 de Setembro, no Porto.

Darei informações.

Abraço, Casimiro de Britto


Hola amigos de Movimiento Mundial de Poesía les confirmo la realización de un evento de Poesía el 24 de Septiembre de 2011.

En los próximos días confirmaré el lugar.

un saludo desde Bogota - Colombia.

Edwin Rosas Gaitán.


Coro, agosto 26.2011.

Estimados colegas del Movimiento Poético Internacional:

Constituye un alto honor, en lo personal, y en representación del movimiento poético regional, que nos hayan tomado en cuenta para la realización este próximo 24 de septiembre de acción de tanta trascendencia.

Ese día la ciudad de Punto Fijo, capital del municipio Carirubana en la Península Paraguaná, se sumará a esta iniciativa internacional de tanta trascendencia aportando la voz de numerosos poetas de reconocida trayectoria internacional, como las de Guillermo de León Calles, Premio Internacional Simón Bolívar y cronista de Punto Fijo; César Seco, premiado en varias Bienales de literaturas de Venezuela y participante en Festivales internacionales de poesía; Colectivo Bariquía, que organiza los encuentros mensuales de poesía A Cielo Abierto; la Fundación Punto Claro, que a través del hip Hop ha llevado formas contemporáneas de poesía a diversas comunidades y barrios; al poeta y cineasta Simón Petit, Presidente del Instituto de Cultura del Estado Falcón, así como a algunos decimistas populares, sumados a esta iniciativa y el peota José Millet, premio del Concurso de literatura de la Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas cde Cuba (UNEAC) y actualmente director del Centro de Investigaciones Socioculturales de INCUDEF.

Han confirmado su presencia , el poeta Inti Clark, coordinador de la red nacional Librerías del Sur, sede Punto Fijo; poeta Diego Sequera, parte del colectivo Editorial El Perro y la Rana y jóvenes poetas participantes en varios talleres literarios del Estado Falcón.

En la espera de las directrices en lo relativo la promoción y realización del encuentro, como logotipos y otros, les saluda en nombre de la Red nacional de escritores de Venezuela, en el Estado Falcón,

Benito Mieses

Dear Friends of the coordinating committee of the world poetry movement, whom I know and highly respect.

I am happy to be a member in this courageous movement, and to launch activities that represent this call.

The 24th of Sept. is very important for Palestine, since it comes in the time when Palestine State will be declared.

As you stated in your letter poetry is the road map for writers Dignity, and the Dignity of the writers should always be protected specially those living under Occupation.

Palestinian writers specially poets will be honored if the World Poetry Movement can support their demand a souvergne State of Palestine where poets can enjoy freedom, and Dignity.

I will held a meeting with palestinian poets and discuss the initiative, and I will send you our program reading.

Happy to hear from you my dear friends,

Please do not hesitate to contact me,

Hanan Awwad
Palestine Pen

Dear Friends & Poets, WPM,
I'm very glad to say yes to your invitation. I agree almost all of your ideas, I work in poetry and literature after 30 years and more to save Nature & Beauty, Peace & Spiritual Energy , to declare how much Holy is the Mother Earth.

I'm writing to you from Savoy, I will return back Italyat the beginning of September, 24 is too close to organize an official reading, but I can invite some italians poets to participate with spontaneous readings in Lerici

(the Bay of Poets where lived Shelley and Byron) and maybe in Genoa.

Un abrazo,

Giuseppe Conte


Subject: Re: Poetic global action WPM on September 24th
OK, We promise that we shall organize a poetry reading session on September 24th at the auditorium of National press club at 4pm. Now tell me what do I do with those poems read at the programme. We expect 30 poets will participate at the programme. Please do not hesitate to forward your suggestions. Awaiting for your response.

Ershad Mazumder
Founder President, National Press Club Poetry Council
Dhaka, Bangladesh


Dear Committee WPM,

Yes, I can. Me and my friends:

This is the program a poetry reading in Rumania for the moment:

In Bucarest, organisateurs :Victoria Milescu ( poète, journaliste, traducteur), prof. George Grigore (poète, linguiste, ambassadeur de L'Alliance des Civilisations) and Ioana Trica (poète, traducteur)
In Iasi ,Marius Chelaru (poète, critique; éditeur )

In Focsani, Gheorghe Neagu( écrivain, directeur de la revue Oglinda Literara )....

and it is possible

In France:

Paris . Nicole Barrière, poète, essayiste, éditrice, Maggy de Coster, poète, journaliste, directrice de la revue Le Manoir des poètes, Yvan Tetelbom, poète, directeur du festival international de poésie, Poètes à Paris
Montpellier : François Szabo, poète, traducteur...

See you soon.

For life and our Earth,

Ioana Trica
poète Rumania


Dear Sirs

Yes we confirm that we will organize a poetic meeting by reading poems on 24th of September in Ankara.

Contemporary Poets and Writers Association


Dear brothers,

The idea of a WPM is awesome! I confirm: We poets of Fier in Albania will organize reading on this date to join the movement. We will film it and send a copy!

Thank you for letting us know!

Hugs from Vladimir Marku



Here is an announcement of ANOTHER September 24th event in San Francisco.
Tony Serra is a leading lawyer and defender of the unjustly accused. He'll be reading some of my poems.
The Revolutionary Poets Brigade will be holding another event at Art International.

I and Agneta Falk will NOT be in San Francisco for the 24th but will be reading at an international festival in Sarajevo. Sergio Iagulli, who organizes that festival from Italy has announced that the
24th readings will be in solidarity with WPM.

Meanwhile, I will continue organizing here in SF till I leave on Sept. 20.



Please put me on the mailing list for the world poetry movement.

Your info was forwarded to me by Dorothea Smartt, poet and Associate Poetry
Editor for Sable LitMag. In the meantime, I will send out to our mailing

I've also attached a global poetry project that SABLE LitMag is supporting
in the name of African American poet, Sonia Sanchez


Kadija (George) Sesay (Sierra Leona)

Dear Organizers WPM,

I'm pleased by Your invitation. And I will organize a micro-event on the blog of our organization which organizes festival at the begining of ofoktober. We'll make a video-reading on our blog on 24th September as a part of WPM poetry-mobilisation! And a reading in Novi Sad (Serbia-Voivodina) in a small klub. Is this okey for You?

Sincerelly Yours:

Roland Orsick


Dear friends WPM,

Good morning,

i wish participate at september 24th movement in Montpellier (France), Ioana Trica (Romania) send me your message of brothrhood and imagination and your call for expend the poetry evenement in the world.

I hope organizate an important poetic action the september 24th, 2011, with a lot of poets in various lingages : french, occitan, catala, spanish, sweddish, finnish, german, english, turkish, italian, arab, hungarian, chinese... and more and more...
Thanks to accept my contribution...

François Szabo


Greetings from Zanzibar.

I direct the Stone Town Poetry Night in Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania. We are a diverse group who meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month. Next month we are meeting September 20, 2011. Would it be okay to meet that day in honor of 100 Thousand Poets for Change -- or do you feel that it absolutely HAS TO happen on the 24th, Saturday?

Please let us know. We'd be happy to participate if this can happen within our regular meeting time.


Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein/Resident Director
American Councils/SUZA/Swahili Flagship Centre


Queridos amigos WPM,

La actividad será en el Poet’s Passage del Viejo San Juan a las 7pm, organiza la escritora Yolanda Arroyo

Ana María Fuster Lavín


Dear friends WPM:

Thank you for linking me, iwill be grateful to do a program with you in september and also work closely in the projects including contests , conferences , festivals and the other i would like to run an event called poetry for transformation in commuties , but I will be glad if i get a small resource assistance for the event that will; include a workshop , performance and seminar in the theme poetry for community .Transformation.

will be happy if we can happily and professionally working together
why will i need an assistance is that , will have speakers speaking on the seminar , a workshop will have facilitators and spoken word artists will need a token of appreciation, in money form as well refreshments during workshops.

mbizo chirasha


Thank you very much for your kind email. I am trying to get the poetry reading programme organized on 24 September 2011 in different parts of India.

With my kind regards

Sincerely yours

Bhaskar Roy Barman


I am about to finalize the poetry reading in Paris on Sept 24th as I told you about .

It will be a "promenade" reading in Montparnasse Cemetery. Walking from Baudelaire tomb to Desnos and some others great ancients as Tzara, Gainsbourg, Beckett. It will not be reading of "old "texts from the past but "now a days poets" reading their own poems under the spiritual "presence" of their predecessors. I am just waiting for authorizations from la Mairie de Paris but this manifestation is about to be accepted ( I hope so)/

Manifestation will be supported by Editions Lanskineand Litt Magazine Sarrazine. At this minute the poets present to read for sure should be: Louis Philippe Dalembert, Claudine Bohi, Sylvie Durbec, Jacques Estager, Jacques Fournier and migself some others are going to answer me soon( B NOel, Michael Gluck, etc). I will keep you informed.


Paul de Brancion


Hola amigos poetas:
sí, estamos haciendo los trámites para celebrar
una lectura de poesia de isla negra (, la editorial que dirijo)
En san juan el 24 de septiembre a las 4pm en una linda librería.
Antes del viernes les estaré reconfirmando.
Un abrazo,
Carlos Roberto

I have found out about your event from a Romanian poetess colleague, I congratulate you from all my heart for your initiative and I wish you much success! I would also like to be close to you and support you.

Regarding this issue, I would like to disseminate this project in Romania by writing a material and I kindly ask you to communicate me some concrete aspects:
- who organizes the project (title of project, the team, coordinators, participating countries, purpose), time, media impact
If you agree, on behalf of your project, I would like to organize a poetry reading in Galati city/ Romania , on the 24th of September. I will return with details.

May I make a poster for this event? If yes, please, send me the logo of the project and the full title.

Thank you and we keep in touch,
Yours respectfully,

Angela BACIU
Writer, journalist
Cultural counsellor PR/CCSG,


Dear friend,

We are very delighted by your initiative. We confirm our participation. We start to organize several poetry readings and we have already 5 confirmations. Is there any official notification you expect from these groups?

We are happy to coordinate this movement in Romania:-).

Best Regards,
Romanian coordinators
Poets Victoria Milescu & Elena Armenescu


Dear Fernando, as you I currently Professor at the University of Botswana in the Department of African Languages and Literature. May I introduce you to Mr. Seboni who is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English. He is the leading poet in Botswana writing in English. He writes with very powerful images. I am using some of his books in my class. He is also the Leader (Chairperson) of a poetry club (Creative Writing) at the university and the country as a whole. With him I am sure we can coordinate a poetry reading program on the 24 of September. E. Kezilahabi


Claro que sí podemos organizar las lecturas de poesía en Tegucigalpa y en San Pedro Sula, las dos ciudades más importantes de Honduras. Estoy explorando la posibilidad de hacer también lecturas en otras ciudades pequeñas donde viven poetas amigos, miembros de nuestro movimiento. Abrazos fraternos. RIGOBERTO PAREDES.


Dear friends
I would inform you that the House of Poetry in Morocco has programmed a poetry reading for September 24th
With all the best
Hassan El Ouazzani


Dear Friends WPM,

thank You for invitation to join Your action and movement . We - poets at Lithuanian Writers' Union - decided to organize readings on 24th of September. Hope it will help in some spiritual way for good changes.

Wish You All the Best

Antanas A. Jonynas, Chairman of Lithuanian Writers' Union;
Donatas Petrošius, Coordinator for international programmes


Dear Fernando,
I’ll speak with the new director of the Varuna Writers’ Centre here in the Blue Mountains (Australuia). As she is new she may not
be ready to have readings. Will try.
All the best,
Philip Hammial



so i have asked a couple of my poetry friends in Iceland to organize an event at this date
i will be back in iceland on the 24th so at least i can lend my voice as a performer at the event
one of them was quite positive and you should receive confirmation from them in the next few days

i would like to be part of the world poetry movement
so please add my name to it

Birgitta Jonsdottir
Poet, Member of the Icelandic Parliament and chair person for the International Modern Media Institute
With oceans of joy as always
birgitta jonsdottir

Thanks Jack for the invite!

On September 24, 2011 I will make a video and post it on youtube so I can also be included in the World Poetry Movement. I will tag the video as part of the WPM. My disabilities keep me homebound and getting any kind of reading for me even with others in this area is difficult.

In the spirit of kritya - thanks to you also Rati Saxena for the opportunity to work with you in the early years of kritya! And now as a part of World Poetry Movement.

Christina Pacosz
Kansas City, Missouri


Dear Friends,

thank You for invitation to join Your action and movement. We - poets at Lithuanian Writers' Union - decided to organize readings on 24th of September. Hope it will help in some spiritual way for good changes.

Wish You All the Best

Antanas A. Jonynas, Chairman of Lithuanian Writers' Union;
Donatas Petrošius, Coordinator for international programmes


Dear World Poetry Movement,

I write to inform you of our organisation and poetry activities that we carry out. Pamberi Trust is an arts development organization and we hold various poetry events.

This September we have Regional Poetry Events under the theme ‘Poetry in Migration’. On Wed 21 September we have a Spoken Word Discussion Forum; on Thur 22 we will have a Poetry workshop the whole day followed by the Regional Poetry Slam in the evening. Poets will be coming from Malawi, Botswana, Kenya and South Africa.

On 24th we are having our Zimbabwean poets performing in Johannesburg. All these events have been in recognition of the 100,000 poets for change between our Harare and Johannesburg partners.

We have a monthly Poetry Slam which is held every first Saturday of each month and we have a monthly Storytelling session which was born out of our poetry project. We will make sure that we advertise it on these platforms so that more poets become are of what is happening.

On the 24th we have slotted World Poetry Movement and we are anticipating on hosting about 60 poets which will include poetry readings and performance. We hope to add these numbers to the 100.000 target.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Many thanks,

Extra-Blessings Kuchera
Pamberi Trust
Projects Officer (Info and Comm)


Dear Poet Friends,
I received your email of the 25th of August.
I'm the director of the International Poetry Festival in Cagliari (Italy) and the director of Argani - a poetry collection from Ugo Mursia Editing.
I'm going to take part to your WPM on the 24th of September, so please take note about my YES.

Waiting for your reply, I look forward to hearing from you soon
Kind Regards
Guido Oldani


I am ok, dear Peter.

We go to do a poetry reading in Dakar, Senegal.


Amadou Lamine Sall


Yes, I will find a way together with some poets/friends to have a reading at my working-place in Kongensgt. 16 (where I have other arrangements) or at my publishers Aschehoug (also in Oslo) on the date you suggest 24 September.

Warm greetings

Erling Kittelsen


Dear friends

I would inform you that the House of Poetry in Morocco has programmed a poetry reading for September 24th

With all the best

Hassan El Ouazzani


Hi World Poetry Movement,

We are hosting Shoko, an international poetry and hip hop festival, in Zimbabwe from the 21st till the 24th September.

We will dedicate our concerts on the 24th to the World Poetry Movement's call for poetry for positive social change.

Let me know your thoughts.

Samm Farai Monro


Queridos poetas organizadores:

Desde Ecuador, mitad del mundo, reciban un abrazo fraternal y también nuestra ACEPTACIÓN para colaborar con el evento del 24 de septiembre. Lo haremos, fundamentalmente, en los predios y auditorio de la Universidad Central del Ecuador.

Iván Oñate


Apreciados compañeros y compañeras del WPM:

Gracias por el envío de este comunicado y por contar con nosotros para tan importante evento. Me disculpo si antes no se había emitido una comunicación oficial de parte de nuestro Festival, pero estuvimos atravesando por un proceso de diálogo que comprometían de algún modo a nuestra organización. Aunque el pasado mes sometí mi renuncia a la presidencia del Festival Internacional de Poesía, luego de un extenso diálogo con la Junta Directiva, opté por retirar mi renuncia y continuar al frente del Festival. Me comprometo con ustedes a organizar y fomentar varias lecturas poéticas para el 24 de septiembre, por lo que pueden dar por confirmada nuestra participación. La poeta Aida de Jesús ya confirmó su participación en el pueblo de Arecibo, gestión que nos alegra y nos enorgullece.

Reciban mis respetos y un fuerte abrazo.

Vilma Reyes
Festival Internacional de Poesía en Puerto Rico


Estimados amigos del Movimiento Mundial de Poesía:

Con mucho gusto prepararé una lectura de poemas en Cincinnati, Ohio, Usa, para el 24 de septiembre. Por favor mándenme detalles para cumplir bien. Me gustaría ver mi nombre en la lista que apoya este Movimiento.

Saludos y gracias,

Armando Romero


Dear all,

I Hope this message finds you well.

First of all, I would like to thank you for inviting us to participate in your remarkable event.
no doubt it seems to me, and to us as poets in Palestine, so important to join this movement.

i hope, personally, to notice a wider Arab participation. However, it could be fulfilled by both interested sides, you as a movement, and Arab poets and intellectuals. especially, since the Arabic poetic movement is strongly rich and visible, and it takes an effective part in the international poetic scene.

Regarding the participation in your impressive initiative this year, unfortunately, I’m not in Palestine till the end of this month; I’m attached to a poetic tour in Germany, which makes me busy this period.

BUT, i hope we can still be in touch until your next event next year, until then, i wish we can find time and space (virtual could be) in order to improve the activisim of the movement in general, and its activities in Palestine in specific.



We were most interested when one of our members brought to our attention the World Poetry Movement, which came out of the 21st Medellin Poetry Festival in Colombia. We would like to bring this to the attention of our members – who include authors, residing in Jamaica as well as the Caribbean and further afield.

To provide you some further information on the Visual & Performing Arts Jamaica (VPAJ), I am attaching an introductory document. As you will see, we are focused strongly on the business aspects of the creative industries – providing a range of services to creative professionals so that they may strengthen their endeavors through improved knowledge and skills.

With kind regards

Katrine Smith


Dear World poetry movement committee,

My name is Fatoumata BA ( poet of Mali).

I just want to thank you for trusting me regarding the poetic Global action who will be standing on September 24th. Unfortunately since 3 years I am not leaving in my country (Mali) but in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) For a work reason.

I really want to participate at this program but my geographic situation will not permit me to do so (or exactly the way the world poetry movement had planned).

Indeed I can’t realize this dream in my country with my friends poets but maybe I can schedule some poetry reading in French school for example on September 24th here In Saudi Arabia.

Please let me know what you think about this idea and I will also see on my side if I can get a good response at school for the event.

Hope your answer soon. And I will come to you later Inch Allah




my name is Andrea Garbin,
jack Hirschman invitated me to participate this initiative. I’m really happy to accept.
the info of our action-poetry.

MOVIMENTO DAL SOTTOSUOLO (the name of our group)
CaffèGaleter (location) - in Montichiari, BRESCIA - ITALY
september 24th 2011 - 21:00
ANDREA GARBIN (director of poetry events at CaffèGaleter)
other persons of the group:

Fabio Barcellandi, Luca Artioli, Valeria Raimondi, Fabrizio Arrighi, Paolo Savani, Max Gonzales, Bruna Bottesini, Fabrizio Grigoletto, Giovanni Mauro

Andrea Garbin


Dear All
I'll be glad to organize a lecture/reading on Sept. 24th in Switzerland - Canto Ticino (the Italian part).

I will forward you details in few days.

Fabiano Alborghetti
poet and artisti director of the festival POESIAPRESENTE
(Switzerland & Italy)


Dear WPM,

Please count me in. We will do something on the 24th.

Ken McCullough

Ken McCullough
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Assistant Director of Academic Advising,
Director of PASS
67 Griffin Hall


Thank you for your invitation for us to join the World Poetry Movement’s plan to hold poetry readings worldwide on September 24.

My group, Santermo Writers’ Circle, will hold a poetry reading and performance on September 22 and 23 at the University of St. La Salle and on September 24 at the Negros Museum. Our poets will be reading original works and our stage actors will render performances of these poems.

Following are the names and email addresses of our core group of members: Rayboy Pandan, Jade Snow Dionzon, Jean Lee Patindol, Jonathan Davila, Tanya Lopez, Rafael Alonso and Anton Pandan.

Thank you and best wishes.

Elsa Coscolluela


El próximo 24 de setiembre realizaremos dos actividades poéticas en mi ciudad, Venado Tuerto (Argentina).

Durante el día repartiremos volantes con poemas de los poetas locales en puntos claves de la ciudad, haciendo especial referencia al nacimiento del Movimiento Poético Mundial y difundiendo su blog. La volanteada se denominará “Poetas al Volante”.

La segunda actividad, es una lectura y diálogo a cargo de nuestros poetas en un bar. Los datos de los poetas y el lugar preciso –como así los restantes datos-te los pasaré a la brevedad. Estas actividades estarán auspiciadas por la Dirección de Cultura de la Municipalidad de Venado Tuerto y la revista de poesía que dirijo Alas de Gaviota -Letras de América.

Confío en seguir sumando más organizaciones locales que apoyen, auspicien y difundan nuestras actividades. Te mantendré informado de todas las novedades. Y por supuesto, cualquier sugerencia es bienvenida.

Un fuerte abrazo, desde el corazón oro verde de mi pampa argentina.

Mónica Muñoz


I am glad that you are the member of coordination committee of WPM. I will be very much happy to participate too. I will invite my poet friends on September get together and read poems. If I knew earlier I would invite more poets. I am invited to an International Poetry Festival to Istanbul Turkey and will be there from Sep.12 to Sep.19.2011.

I will inform the poets I meet there about WPM.

Warm Regards,



I' ll organize a poetry reading in Mayenne, France.


J.-Jacques DABLA, Togolese poet in France


Escribo para confirmarle que el día 24 realizaremos una lectura con los poetas invitados a nuestro festival en adhesión a WPM, también nos gustaría poder ser incluidos en la red de festivales de poesía, nuestro festival cada año crece más y nos parece importante estrechar lazos de colaboración. Muchas gracias.

Daniel Calderón
Días de Poesía


Per the invitation of our dear comrade in poetry, Jack H, the New Mexico chapter of the Revolutionary Poets Brigades and its allies here endorse the Sept 24 worldwide poetry events. We have a full day of events planned and several events in the days leading up to Sept 24 here in the cities of Santa Fe and Albuquerque and other communities.

In solidarity,

Bill Nevins


Compañeros poetas,

Reciban un abrazo fraterno del encuentro de poesía internacional de occidente en mi condición de director del mismo les solicito formalmente la adhesión al organismo que ustedes representan y que nos envíen la información más detallada posible.

Me comprometo formalmente a organizar el evento del día 24 de setiembre en la que participaran cinco ciudades que componen nuestro festival.

Reitero mi compromiso con la poesía y con iniciativas como las de ustedes, sigamos coordinando.

Un abrazo,

Guillermo Naranjo


Miguel me conversó del evento y nosotros con gusto apoyaremos.
El evento se realizaría en el Bar Zela, Av. Nicolas de Piérola 961. Plaza San Martín, Lima - Perú. A las 20.00 hs.

Los poetas que leerían posiblemente son (Miguel Ildefonso, Diego Lazarte, Alexandra Tenorio, Raúl Heraud, Domingo de Ramos, Ericka Meier, Paolo Astorga, entre otros; esta lista se tiene que confirmar aún con Miguel).

En el blog que está debajo de mis datos podrás ver información de los eventos que realizamos en el bar. El registro que tenemos asegurado es el fotográfico, te confirmamos el registro de video. Nos estamos comunicando.

John Martínez G.


Dear Friend,

I am very glad and feel proud to mail me. I agree with the World Poetry Movement. I arrange a poetry reading sanction in the 24th September, 2011.

Wish your good luck.

Best regards

Quamruzzaman Swapan from Bangladesh


Here is another Sept 24 event that one of the members of the Revolutionary Poets Brigade,
Miguel Robles, has organized with companera Angelina Llongueras----Miguel is Mexican and Angelina a Catalan poet. This event will be in the morning of the 24th. The RPB will also hold one in the evening at Art internationale, it's cultural center. Many Brigadistas will be reading then too.



natürlichmachenwirmit am 24.9.. Icvhhabeunserphysisches Programm und dqas, was wirmit machennatürllich an Fernando und an worldpoetrymovementgesschickt.
Ich bin sicher, dass das bald als Programmerscheint.
Ichhabeaberauchdaraufhingewiesen, dasses gut sei, den Welttag der Poesiezunutzen und den zuverstärken, wieerseit 2000 von der UNESCO zelebriertwird. Man erreichtmitdieser Weltorganisation, die in allenLändernsitzt, ganzeinfachmehrLeute.
Der der WELTTAG DER POESIE und die UNESCO die Welt organisationfür Kultur....

Beste Gruesse

Thomas Wohlfahrt



i write on behalf of Ehalakasa a local annual spoken word poetry festival in Ghana
we would like to join in the world poetry movement

Tell us how
Best Regards

Yebor Kojo Yebor

Me comprometo para el 24 de septiembre organizar un recital con mis pupilos del taller que dirijo en la Fundación Alzate Avendaño que son 23 más todos mis amigos y amigas poetas que creo son bastantes pues sumaré a estos el taller de escritores de la Universidad Autónoma de Colombia y los que conforman los poetas del "paisaje urbano". Qué bueno que sea la poesía la que nos reencuentre en estas lides por la paz de Colombia y el bienestar del mundo.

Abrazos, Armando Orozco.


Everything is okay. Here the name of the poets, the place, the time:

Olga Campofreda
John Claude Smith
Andrea Coffami/Angelo Zabaglio (the same person performing with a double name)
Francesca Clementi
Marco Lupo
Giulio Vaccaro
Angelo Elle

The place:

Le Mura, via di Porta Labicana, 24- San Lorenzo, Roma, h: 19,30

Maybe we can be able to transmit everything live by web streaming. In
that case, could you reserve a little corner for the link on the
official site of the movement?

Thank you. Have a nice day.

Olga Campofreda


Reciban un afectuoso saludo desde Benidorm, España.
El presente mensaje es para confirmar la celebración en nuestra ciudad, de la Acción Poética Global convocada por el WPM para el sábado 24 de septiembre de 2011 en 350 ciudades del mundo.
El acto se celebrará en la Sala Polivalente de la Biblioteca Municipal de Benidorm, sita en la Plaza SS.MM. Los Reyes de España, s/n, Benidorm.
El evento dará comienzo a las 12 horas del mediodía y finalizará a las 14 horas del sábado 24 de septiembre de 2011.
Participarán poetas del Liceo Poético de Benidorm, otros poetas y rapsodas de las ciudades vecinas y estará abierto al público en general que tendrá la oportunidad de leer al menos una poesía.
Contará con la presencia de la Concejala de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Benidorm, Eva Mayor Mayor y la Directora de la Biblioteca Celia Fabri.
Adjuntamos invitación para colgar en la web y en facebook.
Quedamos a vuestra disposición para cualquier consulta y/o cambio que consideréis oportuno.
Un fuerte abrazo

Julio Pavanetti


Acepto organizar dos lecturas. Una en Puerto Cabello, frente al Malecón del Mar Caribe a las 10 am. y la otra en la Casa de la Cultura de Arismendi- estado Barinas a las 8 pm. del 24 de Septiembre.

Un gran abrazo.

Adhely Rivero


El recital coincide con la Bienal Gustavo Pereira.

Hablé con el Catire Hernández D' Jesús y con Luis Alberto Crespo y me
Propusieron celebrar el recital planetario junto a la Bienal de
Gustavo, donde estaremos todos.

Es una propuesta.

Antonio Trujillo


Carissimipoeti, carissimo JackHirshmann, grazie per l'invito, approvopienamente la dichiarazionedell' 8 luglio 2011.Ditemi come possosemplicementeorganizzare una giornata di azionepoetica a Salerno, Italia, qualisono i format se ci sono da rispettare, se posso parlare al più presto con un referente italiano, come valorizzarel'iniziativa, come semplicementedevoorganizzarmi.


Valeriano Forte


El Maratón de Poesía del Teatro de la Luna, organización no lucrativa radicada en Arlington, Virginia y en la capital de los Estados Unidos, Washington, DC, se adherirá al llamado del World Poetry Movement, organizando un encuentro poético el 24 de septiembre de 2011 de las 14 a las 17 horas en la Casa de la Luna, hogar administrativo del Teatro de la Luna. Este evento se hará en forma bilingüe (inglés/español) y participarán poetas locales e invitados de la zona este de los Estados Unidos. Esperamos la participación de unos 40 poetas y unas 300 personas durante las tres horas que dure el evento.

Les ruego corrijan la información que tienen sobre el Maratón de Poesía: No estamos en Nueva York. Nuestro trabajo lo hacemos en la zona metropolitana de Washington, DC

Rei Berroa, poeta
Coordinador del Maratón de Poesía
Teatro de la Luna


Let me take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation for you and the highly estimated World Poetry Movement for considering me for the participation in this great global event. I would be more than happy to participate in this poetic global action on September 24th. Yet, I need more information about this event so that it would come out as it is intended to be such as: 1) Will you need some kind of documentation of the event (publication, , CDs, pictures etc.)? Will there be any media agency that would be interested in covering this event so that we would send some press clips about the event?
Once again I am very honored to participate in this great global event hoping that it would strengthen our cooperation and enrich our global poetic experience.

Thank you very much,

Ashraf Amer


dear all,

here info on our event on sept. 24.

best wishes from vienna
harriet nachtmann
invitation “world synchronizes poetry / poetry synchronizes world”
we read some poems in synchronism to others who – around the world – at various locations read also some poems. we read poems by sappho and tell the founding story of the “world poetry movement”. we are students, teachers, poets & organizers of the vienna poetry school.
date: september 24, 2011, 4 pm
location: office, vienna poetry school, 1070 vienna, mariahilferstr. 88a/3/7


To confirm reading on the 24th in Zagreb, Croatia, in organization of 'Goranovoproljece' poetry festival:

It gonna take place in 'Bogan Ogrizovic' public library, starting at noon.
i'll update you with a list of performing poets as soon as possible.

With kindest regards,

Marko Pogacar


You are invited to feast and to read at Boiled Fish & Poetry, at Louis Dames' house, on the northern side of Hawkins Hill, Bahamas, on Saturday, September 24, 2011, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

RSVP, ASAP, please, fellow poets. Our reading, so far, is one of 220 World Poetry Movement readings expected to take place in 71 countries on this same day.

Viva la poesía,

Obediah Michael Smith.


Dear Friends
Sorry it hasn't been possible to reply sooner. And we hope we haven't missed the boat. But we would love to organize a poetry reading in Lewes, Sussex, where we live, on the night of September 24.

We are two Guyana-born poets and we have very fond memories of the Medellin Poetry Festival.

It was a very moving experience of how the Word can move hearts and minds. With fellow poet, Mark Hewitt, who is also director of a local arts festival, we have started planning a programmed for that night and will let you know more details later. It may be of interest to know that the reading will be held in a local bus station which three artists and Mark himself have been using for studios and the space is very intimate
for poetry.

So please count us on board for Sept 24. On that night, here in the south of England, our thoughts will be with you in a transatlantic embrace of the word.
One Love

John Agard , Grace Nichols, Mark Hewitt.


The Barefoot Poets here in Durban are already for the 24th of September 2011. Please let me know if we need to do anything (other than register as individual poets on the site) for the exercise from your point?

We will be:

Starting our celebration at 14:00 local time
Recording our readings (audio and video)
Taking pictures of the event
Setting up a Face book page (which will be exclusive to Barefoot Poets only), and
Writing as individuals as well as creating a group poem.

The recordings and material will be made available to you (WPM). Please let me know how you want me to get these to you. Humbakahle.


George (Barefoot Poets – Durban South Africa)


Please find here enclosed our press release concerning the poetry reading of the 24th in Milan.

The title I gave is:" L'Italia ruba l'ossigeno" .

It means “Italy steals oxygen" that would like to represents my complaint on the bad condition of the Italian forest that are fired by the Mafia especially during the Summer.
The reading will take place at 11am in a book shop in Milan named: Libreria Popolare.

Guido Oldani


Good morning, I hope you are all well and happy.

On World Poetry Day, we will be holding an open
poetry reading and picnic for children and adults,
by an abandoned hut and old bluebell field inside
Wombat forest, Daylesford, Victoria, Australia.

Unless it rains - then we will probably just go for coffee.

Thank you for letting us know about the WPM,

Best wishes,

Trudy Clutterbok


Thanks so much for welcoming me inside the World Poetry Movement, and sorry that it has taken me a while to answer your kind email, but I wanted to give you the full details of my participation in the 100 T Poets for change day, and it has taken me a while to put it all together:

On the one hand, on September 24th at 10 am I am going to facilitate a free one hour poetry workshop for anyone interested. This will take place at the Excelsior branch of the San Francisco Public Library (4400 Mission Str, San Francicsco) and it will involve a small ceremony of listening to each other's concerns about the planet.

On that day I will read my poem "To my friend Nathan Thornton In Memoriam" and the book where it has been published will be publicly presented. This will take place at 7 pm at Art Internationale, 963 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, CA, where there will be a meeting of the Revolutionary Poets Brigade, the network I belong to.

Aside from these two events, I will also be part of the poetical actions that will take place at the Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco from 10 am to 6 piamond Dave from 2 pm to 6 pm there.

I look forward to all of it.

Kind regards,

Angelina Llongueras


Dear poetry friends,

We decided with the institution MKC in the capital of Macedonia, Skopje, to do the reading when the theater festival is over. So the WPM Reading in Macedonia will take place in the end of September in Skopje. I will write you again about the exact date. After the reading, I will send you the photos from it.

Warmest regards from Macedonia,

Nikola Madzirov


Estimados amigos de World Poetry:

Saludo de Paz en medio de esta vibración del oleaje caribe Colombiano,

Desde este puerto de Riohacha, La Guajira Colombiana le informo que estaremos unidos a ese tejido de voces que se celebrara en el resto del mundo, el 24 de septiembre en la biblioteca de ComfaGuajira junto a nuestra Corporación Sociocultural Pezcarte y con el programa de esta ong llamada Escuela Crearte 70 infantes, adolescentes, poetas, escritores, cultores y personas del comun, estaremos compartiendo Por la naturaleza de la poesía, el Movimiento Poético Mundial apoya y apoyará siempre las reflexiones, acciones y medidas que puedan contribuir a la paz mundial, a la defensa de toda vida sobre la tierra, al desarrollo sostenible de un mundo nuevo, al restablecimiento de la belleza, la dignidad y la verdad, en el proceso de un persistente fortalecimiento de la presencia de la poesía en la sociedad contemporánea, mas el buen trato a las Mujeres y niños(as), pues en este año llevamos mas de 20 casos de muertes violentas, que hace una década era impensable, hoy día estamos preocupados y con pregones anunciaremos nuestro repudio colectivo a dichos actos corrosivos a la kataóu-vida,

De ante mano abrazos y buen horizonte a todos los que seguimos en la mar de la poesia,

Lindantonella Solano
Poeta Wayuu-Gestora Sociocultural
La Guajira, Colombia


As I have promised, with a view to organizing the poetry movement from Romania/Galati, I am sending you the poster in English and Romanian, the invitation and the announcement for the press.
I am waiting for your validation.
Moreover, such a movement will take place in Focsani , I am sending you the poster of those organizers.
I am looking forward to your answer!
Thank you very much!

Yours respectfully,
Angela BACIU
Poetess, journalist
Cultural promoter, adviser CCSG


Apreciados amigos: El Festival Internacional de Poesía de Bogotá llevará a
cabo el recital propuesto el día 24 de septiembre a las 3 p.m. en la
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Participarán: Gustavo Adolfo Garcés, John
Fitzgerald Torres, Fernando Linero, Paola Cadena, Liliana Gastelbondo,
Orinzon Perdomo y un grupo de estudiantes vinculados a los talleres de la

Cordialmente, Rafael Del Castillo - Director Festival
Internacional de Poesía de Bogotá


Hello world poetry movement,

I run a space for interdisciplinary poetry projects in Berlin and we are open with an exhibition on the 24th. I'd like to take part in the special day but don't know how. Also there are no traditional readings in my space, it is more a poetry experience. So, am I elegible to take part and how do I register? More about wortwedding under the blog adress in the signature (It's mostly in German though).

Greetings, Nicola Caroli


Canarias siempre fue tierra de poetas, por ello se suma a la red del Movimiento Poético Mundial (WPM) con la organización de una maratón poética cultural el próximo Sábado 24 de Septiembre de 2011 en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Ya estamos conectados con ustedes, hemos abierto el plazo de confirmación de asistencia y participación de poetas de las islas a nuestro punto de enlace mundial, el evento poético que tendrá como escenario singular a la Playa de Las Canteras y el local La Nevera DvdClub& Lounge, Calle Churruca 35 en horario de 16h a 23h. Gran Canaria.

Un abrazo a tod@s!

Samir Delgado


We want to join WPM. We will be wearing special t-shirts at the check point Lokmacı at divided Nicosia. The t-shirts will have a verse of poet Fikret Demirag who passed away last year.

The verse is: My sibling, when are we going to make the Peace? We will distribute poems on leaflets in three languages and later we will make a reading in a bookshop.

Neshe Yashin
President of Turkish Cypriot Artists and Writers Union


this is for sure. I am dealing with the names now and this evening i will definitively confirm them. i also made a leaflet with your speech and Michael's (translated into albanian, taken from your websites), with the respective logos, as well, i have prepared the invitations with the respective logos as well on it. And of course i will send them over, pics and videos, while I am preparing the poster of the event. Now, I have written to muchael an email because in his website. I didn´t see listed our reading, only persons "in charge" for albania. I'm working so hard to bring people together and you can't imagine how things work here. But if we ever meet somewhere in the world I will explain to you - just to say that I am the only person alone organizing this huge event, posters, scenario, musicians, video projections and sooooo on.

While this keeps me alive
Stay cool, my friend:

Elvana Saimi


Quizás sea posible añadir: The International Festival
of Poetry of Resistance (IFPOR) IFPOR presents at
Dooney's Cafe, Toronto, Canada,
3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sep.

Lisa Makarchuk


Saludos queridos poetas:

He recibido su convocatoria a participar en la acción poética simultánea del día 24, y con mucho agrado he realizado un llamado a un grupo importante de artistas, poetas y cantores, que me acompañarán ése día para realizar un recital a favor de la paz y en rechazo a las guerras que hoy se adelantan en contra de la soberanía de los pueblos.

Espero ésta semana la confirmación del espacio para realizar el evento desde Caracas, a las 5 de la tarde, en la sala José Félix Ribas del Teatro Teresa Carreño (el más importante de la ciudad), y que será transmitido en vivo por radio y televisión.

Les abrazo y quedo atenta a sus comentarios.

Libeslay Bermúdez


WPM is part of the good committed to improving the state of the world.
The team of the Dawn Foundation (SDPF) is hard at work.
Our 24th Sept. Diary:
We will have Poetry Performances (spoken-word & poetry readings)
Themes: World peace, Love, & Humanity.
Venue: T- Havana Park & the in the University all in Accra, Ghana
Time: starts at10am
Programmed Poets:
Phillip Oyinka ,Kofi Marrah, NiiLantey, Kofi Dei, Ben Essuman, Aaron Adjaye& Ayo Ayoola-Amale.

The activities will be covered I.e Photoe, video, media.
We have updates on WPM on our site. Visit:




Thank you, the festival was successful, but this year it was a rather huge event and required lots of efforts and time. This weekend there is another big literature event in Ukraine and I'm participating there as well.

Although I wasn't always actively participating, I have been following all the correspondence of the WPM Coordinating Committee.

Yes, we are organizing a poetry reading on the 24th of September in the city of Chernivtsi and will include that beautifully written statement in Ukrainian and Russian. Also, I will have it sent together with the press-release to all the media in our database. It means I will be able to give you a list of the organizations and poets after this date.

When is the next online meeting of the Coordinating committee?

Best regards from Ukraine,

Iryna Vikyrchak
Executive Director
Meridian Cernowitz



StAnza will stage a mass poetry read in of members on 24th Sepember of poetry from around the world.

Very best wishes,

Eleanor Livingstone
Festival Director


Greetings dear friends!

Sorry for my late response. We welcome your initiative of celebrating September 24 as “Poetry day” in the whole world and are pleased to let you know that we are joining this initiative. On September 24 we are going to hold two big events in capital Baku, Azerbaijan, together with about 30 poets to celebrate this “Poetry day.” Hundreds of poetry lovers and fans are expected to attend these events.

Yours respectfully,

Ramiz Rovshan


Dear WPM,

YES!!! I will participate in September 24th with a poetry event "100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE" in NAIROBI, KENYA and I would like to be a member of WPM.

Best regards

Walter Keyombe
President and Founder of International Spoken Word Festival - Promoting Peace through Poetry.
I send you the names of the people I involved
in the organization of the events, the poet Angelo Tonelli
inLerici, the poet Massimo Morasso in Genoa
and Adriana Beverini President of the Lerici Pea Prize in
La Spezia.

You can communicate also with them.I hopeto send you
images and photos of the events, saludos

Giuseppe Conte


Prezados Organizadores do Movimento Poético Mundial

Prezado Fernando Rendón

A Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio, por meio do seuProjeto TEKNÓSPOIÉSIS, estará aderindoaoMovimento Poético Mundial, no dia 24 de setembro de 2011, às 11h ( hora de Brasília), em frente ao Solar Grandjean de Montigny, ao redor da Árvore HIBRIDRAASIL - peçasustentação da Exposição TEKNÓSPOIÉSIS-, quando o poeta Dalberto Gomes, lerá a poesia Estatuto do Homem, emhomenagemao Poeta Thiago de Mello.

Comessa performance, a Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio se faz presente aoMovimento e marca suaposiçãoem defesa da poesia.


Eliana Yunes, Erico Braga Barbosa Lima, Ricardo Oiticica, Humberto Melo e equipe da Cátedra UNESCO de Leitura PUC-Rio

PS - Aguardem até segunda-feira, dia 19, maioresdetalhes sobre os desdobramentos do evento.


Dear friends,

we organize a poetry meeting reading in front of the Poetry House in Montpellier (France) in various languages by 30 poets as :

Déjà annoncés : Ulrich Zieger, BallaNgom, Daniel Frayssinet, Patricio Sanchez, Janine Gdalia, Lawrence Macguire, Marie-AgnèsSalehzada, Pascal Gabellone, Shanshan Sun, Martine Biard, Jean-Marie Petit, Christian Malaplate, Jean-Louis Keranguéven, Anne-Marie Jeanjean, IrèneTornel, GörkemErcan, Quine Chevalier, Delphine Kabala, LydieKelfe, Charo Beltran Nunez, Oriane Matte...

but we need the manifest of the september 24th day of poetry... in .doc file, because in the shape .docx file we can't read and open

Thanks a lot

François Szabo


Queridos amigos,

Les confirmo la organización de un evento el 24 de septiembre.
Este evento tendrá lugar en la capital de Martinica, Fort-de-France en un bar dedicado a la literatura y la música.

De las 6 en la tarde hasta... Será un espacio de expresión libre de poesía y música.
Les envío mañana más detalles con el nombre de los poetas y músicos.


Nicole Cage Florentiny


Dear Fernando,

Thank you so much for your email. Yes, you can count the poets in the attached list as members of WPM. I'm sending two or three email addresses as it is short notice and I cannot get hold of each of them.
I have just had a meeting with the chairman of the Writer's Union in Fier and we made a plan for the activity:
1. Reading will be in Fier, Albania at the Public Library Hall, at 11:00 hours, on September 24th.
2. There's a list of 21 poets who will read their poetry;
3. We will invite a Croat poet to participate in our activity;
4. We will invite the Mayor of our city and poetry lover audience;
5. We plan banners in the city for the event;
6. List of poets:

Nuri PLAKU (Chairman of Writer's Union, Fier)
Petraq KOTE
Vladimir MARKU
Valentina DAFA
Petrit NIKA
Gentjan BANAJ
Matilda DUSHKU
Brunilda BOCOVA
Laureta ROSHI
Mercedez GEGA
Majlinda RAMA
Margarit DHIMA

My best wishes

Vladimir Markku


Dear Friends
Thank you for sending your excellent declaration which upholds poetry as 'oxygen for the spirit' in a toxin time.
So far the published poets, who will read at our event in Lewes, will include.

Grace Nichols (Guyana/UK)
John Agard (Guyana/UK)
Mark Hewitt (UK)
Maria Jastrzebska (Poland/UK)
Judith Kazantzis (UK)
Catherine Smith (UK)

A couple of other names to be confirmed by tomorrow.

As part of the evening, which will include a couple of Bertolt Brecht songs , the invited audience will also be asked to bring along a poem by a poet of their choice. So the floor will be opened to those who wish to share a poem that has touched them in some way.

The event begins at 6.30pm and the venue is an old bus station, now being used as studio space for artists and Mark Hewitt, director of Lewes Live Literature.

It is a small but atmospheric setting, ideal for an intimate contact, and on the evening of September 24 we'll be thinking of you. Thank you for the opportunity and privilege to join our little Lewes engine to the global 'engine of the dreamers,' as you so aptly describe poetry.

One love
John Agard, Grace Nichols, Mark Hewitt


We would be happy to participate as earlier advised but we will not be able to proceed with the poetry events. There is limited poetry space in Zimbabwe and there will be another big poetry event happening on the same day under a festival called Shoko Spoken Word Hip Hop Festival. In the spirit of mutual understanding and respect with this festival as partners we have decided not to hold the poetry day we had planned for.

I will forward the emails to the festival organizers and they will hopefully be in touch with you concerning their activities.

Best regards,

Extra-Blessings Kuchera
Pamberi Trust


ToCommittee Member Coordinator-WPM

Dear Mr. Rendon

Greetings to you.

On September 24th at Nagpur , Maharashtra, India we will be near about 12 poets together to read their respective poetry.
Venue is 'Mor Hindi bhavan' Seetabardi, Nagpur. Time is 1700 hrs to 1900 hrs.
The Poets who have confirmed to be there are
Basant Tripathi
Pushpendra Falgun
Prasenjit Gaikwad
Shripad Bhalchandra Joshi
Sunita Jhade
Hemdhar Sharma
Umesh Yadav
Nafees Alam
Neha Bhandarkar
Prakash Dulewale
Suneel Soni
Dr. Govind Prasad Upadhyay

Since Nagpur has Bi-Lingual culture so the Poets present will read their poetry in Hindi and Marathi Language respectively.

You have asked for the emails of the poets, but for this very moment it is not possible for me to collect their email ids and sent it to you, so if you may provide me day or two, I can collect the email ids and can sent them to you.

with warm regards



I have been informed about this event.
Yes I will participate in my town, Volos, Greece
My best regards
Helena Psaralidou , poet, Volos, Greece


Dear friends,

Greetings from Sofia, Bulgaria.

The reading will take place on September 24 at 18h. at the Sofia University Theatre Hall
We will send you the poster with the logo of WPM as soon as it is ready, and we'll try to ensure video and audio materials from the event -

Here go the participants
АмелияЛичева Amelia Licheva
ВладимирЛевчев Vladimir Levchev
ПетърЧухов Petar Tchouhov

Migleni Nikolcheva


September 30, 2011

Última actualización: 28/06/2018