
Pi.O (Australia, 1951)

Por: Pi.O


a Bomb threat
will inevitably come as
a shock.
If you recieve one ( Don't let on ! )
Keep the caller talking;
Ask him (or
her!) when the bomb
will explode; where it is;
what it looks like;
And what will c a u s e it to explode;
Ask the caller
their name; And how old they are;
Take particular notice
of their accent:
Israeli-German, Spanish-Russian;
And their tone:
Angry, drunk, calm, excited,.........
If you happen to know
who they are don't let on
Don't blurt-out: "Hey! That you? Bob!"
...just keep 'em talking;
Listen to
background noise: a train-whistle
could be a vital clue.
When the caller
has finished: Don't hang up!
Keep calm; And write
in clear legible script:
and then hand it
to your Supervisor (:He'll know
what to do);
If the ORDER to evacuate
is not given
open all the doors and windows (to lessen
the effect on property damage)
and then go back
to your desk and keep

Pi-O was born in Greece and three years old he inmigrated to Australia. He published eight books of poems, beetween others. His more recient 24 hours to be composed about sex, drugs, inmigrants, life in the streets and rock and roll. Ha lated nine years to finish it. Pi-O published numerous magazines of poetry, the anthology of visual poetry Missing Forms and the anthology of poetic performance Of the record.

Última actualización: 06/12/2021