Significance of the Festival for the public
Significance of the Festival for the public
During the VII International Poetry Festival in Medellín, the audience was given a questionnaire in which they were asked to give their impressions and opinions about this international poetry encounter.
The following are some of their answers :
* Peace, it´s like being resucitated and feeling like an inhabitant of the city again. It´s a space that´s necessary in life and in the individual, so that hope can be regained.
(Mario Ricardo Echavarría Gallego. Arquitect. 22.)
* There´s still hope, dreams, one more reason to live and die constantly. We seem to be living in another city, another universe.
(Mónica Lopera. Student. 22.)
* It´s an opportunity to reaffirm the universality of the word and the possibility of creating a more just environment from that base.
(Jorge Mario Loaiza. Student. 17.)
* It has always had great significance; it proposes subtly sublimating the sensibility of a society which has been so abandoned and unprotected.
(Alonso Hincapié Arroyave. Chemist. 49.)
* As Ashok Vajpeyi said yesterday: "The Festival signifies being in touch with the secret, in the house of the sacred".
(María Carmenza Correa.
Forestry technician. 21.)
* It signifies an outlet and an impulse for the mind.
(Sussy Karina Quinto Moreno. Student. 13.)
* It´s an injection of life into a city of the almost-dead.
(Luis Angel Ocampo Cardona. Driver,
prisioner of Bellavista state penitentiary. 42.)
* The ability to interact with other people´s diversity of thought.
(Carlos Gaviria. Teacher. 36.)
* A special moment that nourishes a small instant in my short but marvelous existence.
(Carlos Enrique Monsalve. Carpet Maker. 36.)
* The universalization of Medellín and the universe united in Medellín.
(Iván Albeiro Colorado. Diver, prisioner
in Bellavista state penitentiary. 29.)
* Heart and mind galloping along the recesses of the city.
(Héctor Castrillón Ruiz. Artist. 44.)
* It´s the cultural event I most look forward to in the year; it makes me forget that countries have frontiers.
(Adriana López Vélez. Systems technician. 26.)
* Its a wonderful way of knowing how immense is the world of dreams.
(Nohora Montoya.
Dental assistant. 29.)
* The most beautiful dream for the recuperation of life.
(Hortensia Naizara. Teacher. 35.)
* A encounter of souls and emotions in a desire to share.
(Bertha Guerra Tuirán. Student. 26.)
* It is about growing, hearing a word and carrying it in the heart. It´s about looking for peace in a word of life.
(Guillermo Jaramillo López. Driver, prisioner in Bellavista
state penitentiary. 24.)
* The reawakening of sensibility and a dream of freedom.
(Jorge Enrique Aristizabal Riaño. Salesman-actor, prisioner in Bellavista state penitentiary. 32.)
* Discovering poetry.
(Didier Correa Ortiz. Student. 13.)
* A long and deep breath.
(Fabián Vargas R. Economist. 54.)
* Spilled juice, the native dream of the stars´ wisdom.
(Oscar Mario Vásquez. Art student. 32.)
* A encounter with the song of the Gods.
(Gloria Elena Carmona. Nurse. 33.)
* It´s the voice of life and love on the lips of human beings.
(Juan Pablo Ospina Vélez. Student. 17.)
* The transformation of the world.
(Dora María Gutiérrez. Student. 17.)
* It´s like a tree, rooted in the cement mass: a passion come to life, a language that refuses to die.
(Leonardo Gómez Marín. Student. 18.)
* A contact with the world with the soul, a voice in the silence.
(Janeth Yepes Vergara. Student. 16.)
* It´s like the work of the blood; it cures, leaving a new skin in this land full of wounds.
(Quito Morales. Construction worker. 20.)
An opportunity for Colombia to express its feelings through poetry without violence.
(Astrid Liliana Peña Arango. Student. 16.)
* Opening new doors to cultural diversity, it is a reunion with life itself.
(Jorge Kierman Londoño. Student. 19.)