
Armando Romero (Colombia)

Por: Armando Romero
Traductor: Constante Lardas


God's laughter

A Carlos Gutiérrez

Quevedo says that from time to time
God comes to laugh with us.
He plants His gaping mouth on the wicked ones,
and brings happiness to the suffering of the innocents.

When the time arrives for this laughter to descend,
the poet refers not to thunderings and tempests,
nor does he say that when we hear it
we will gather up its echo
as it shoots out from His rattling teeth.

Whether in Aramaic, Greek, Latin or in Hebrew,
it should have the cadence of a comet's breath,
distil itself in vapors among the stars
and anoint the universe with pleasure,

It is a given that we wait in silence
until the day it presents itself to us,
and we plead that its lapses of time not be eternal
like the invisible threads of our patience.

Última actualización: 03/04/2021